This was our second actual gaming session - the first being the introductory weekend. After completing the final two character imports at the start of this session we were ready to roll. At this point, the DM gave us a brief recap of what had gone before and let us loose in Saltmarsh on the day following our adventure on The Sea Ghost. We have now all reached 3rd level so should actually have some clout as a party, but the usual dice-rolling lack of luck followed us online...
Day 6 - We drank the evening away in celebration of our capture of The Sea Ghost and then slept off our excesses at our usual inn. The following morning we awoke feeling refreshed, if a little hung-over and, after a hearty breakfast (which we had to negotiate for as the inn-keep tried to overcharge us due to our newfound wealth), we strutted around town in the splendour of our newly found fame.
We were able to drink out on our renown for most of the morning until we were approached by a certain well-dressed half-elf named Davis Rall; he needed someone to go look for his missing friend and business partner, a dwarf named Marley Tobe. Marley had set out for the nearby town of Uskarn in order to trade a cart load of high quality silks. The town is a two day trip away but it has been more than four days since he had left, and he should have been back by now. Davis suspected something was wrong and offered us a 50% share of the remaining goods if safely returned with the cart and horses. We thought something was slightly amiss (good perception rolls) with this request as he seemed more concerned about the return of the goods rather than his friend. That said, we decided to take on the job anyway as we were feeling like we were unbeatable.
We left Davis, promising him the return of his friend and trade goods, or at least news of what might have happened to him if all had ended ill for Marley, and headed to the nearest ostler to hire a two-horse cart of our own and four horses to ride. We also grabbed supplies for seven days just in case we ran into any delays along the way.
As we still had several hours of daylight left, we decided to head out of town towards Uskarn on the road heading south-west out of Saltmarsh.
The road was a well-travelled one, but weirdly we did not encounter anyone along the way. We saw several empty campsite areas at the side of the road whilst we travelled which made us wonder why they were unused, but eventually, just before dusk, we pulled over at one of the safer looking sites and set up our camp. We set watches, but it was quiet all night except for around midnight when those on watch heard some loud owl-like screeches; too big for owls, but too screechy for owl-bears.
Day 7 - We awoke early, caught up with the overnight watch stories and carried on along our way pondering what the night watch had heard. After a few hours we traversed a bend in the forest road and off to one side saw what looked like a woman sobbing over the body of a man. We advanced quickly to see what might have happened but the "woman" turned on us, unfurled her feathery wings and screeched at us (or maybe to the rest of her flock who we could then see hovering up in the canopy of the forest).
The combat with the harpies was bitterly fought but we made it much harder than what it should have been. Drakkon, our half-orc fighter still couldn't hit for toffee (his poor dice-luck continued online where in the first three rounds he could only roll a 3 followed by two 1s!!), my spells just failed to work (I must pray for forgiveness from Pelor as I must surely be being punished for my excesses of the last few days), and our wizard, Gladreth, also had problems summoning her power from the aether.
Anyway, our dragonborn barbarian warrior, Druss, managed to save the day as he was able to cleave his way through enemy after enemy and eventually we prevailed.
The fight took rather a lot out of us and we needed to take a rest much sooner than we anticipated to heal up and restore our vitality.