Sunday, 16 February 2025

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Encounter in the woods (Day 7)

This was our second actual gaming session - the first being the introductory weekend. After completing the final two character imports at the start of this session we were ready to roll. At this point, the DM gave us a brief recap of what had gone before and let us loose in Saltmarsh on the day following our adventure on The Sea Ghost. We have now all reached 3rd level so should actually have some clout as a party, but the usual dice-rolling lack of luck followed us online...

Day 6 - We drank the evening away in celebration of our capture of The Sea Ghost and then slept off our excesses at our usual inn. The following morning we awoke feeling refreshed, if a little hung-over and, after a hearty breakfast (which we had to negotiate for as the inn-keep tried to overcharge us due to our newfound wealth), we strutted around town in the splendour of our newly found fame.

We were able to drink out on our renown for most of the morning until we were approached by a certain well-dressed half-elf named Davis Rall; he needed someone to go look for his missing friend and business partner, a dwarf named Marley Tobe. Marley had set out for the nearby town of Uskarn in order to trade a cart load of high quality silks. The town is a two day trip away but it has been more than four days since he had left, and he should have been back by now. Davis suspected something was wrong and offered us a 50% share of the remaining goods if safely returned with the cart and horses. We thought something was slightly amiss (good perception rolls) with this request as he seemed more concerned about the return of the goods rather than his friend. That said, we decided to take on the job anyway as we were feeling like we were unbeatable.

We left Davis, promising him the return of his friend and trade goods, or at least news of what might have happened to him if all had ended ill for Marley, and headed to the nearest ostler to hire a two-horse cart of our own and four horses to ride. We also grabbed supplies for seven days just in case we ran into any delays along the way.

As we still had several hours of daylight left, we decided to head out of town towards Uskarn on the road heading south-west out of Saltmarsh.

The road was a well-travelled one, but weirdly we did not encounter anyone along the way. We saw several empty campsite areas at the side of the road whilst we travelled which made us wonder why they were unused, but eventually, just before dusk, we pulled over at one of the safer looking sites and set up our camp. We set watches, but it was quiet all night except for around midnight when those on watch heard some loud owl-like screeches; too big for owls, but too screechy for owl-bears.

Day 7 -  We awoke early, caught up with the overnight watch stories and carried on along our way pondering what the night watch had heard. After a few hours we traversed a bend in the forest road and off to one side saw what looked like a woman sobbing over the body of a man. We advanced quickly to see what might have happened but the "woman" turned on us, unfurled her feathery wings and screeched at us (or maybe to the rest of her flock who we could then see hovering up in the canopy of the forest). 

This is a screenshot from Fantasy Grounds showing the aftermath of the combat with the harpies

The combat with the harpies was bitterly fought but we made it much harder than what it should have been. Drakkon, our half-orc fighter still couldn't hit for toffee (his poor dice-luck continued online where in the first three rounds he could only roll a 3 followed by two 1s!!), my spells just failed to work (I must pray for forgiveness from Pelor as I must surely be being punished for my excesses of the last few days), and our wizard, Gladreth, also had problems summoning her power from the aether.

Anyway, our dragonborn barbarian warrior, Druss, managed to save the day as he was able to cleave his way through enemy after enemy and eventually we prevailed.

The fight took rather a lot out of us and we needed to take a rest much sooner than we anticipated to heal up and restore our vitality.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Fantasy Grounds

I was invited by the DM of the Saltmarsh adventures from a few weekends ago to join the party as the campaign moves online using Fantasy Grounds as the engine to run the adventure. A couple of weeks ago we got our characters imported into the application and this week we managed to get our first gaming session in (more on that in a later post). I think there will still be the occasional face-to-face game (maybe once a quarter?), but the bulk of the campaign should now run most Thursdays for whoever can make it.

I haven't actually gamed online like this before so it has been a new experience for me. Fantasy Grounds is run like a normal face-to-face game using Discord for sound and other player interaction outside of the game. The Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure has been purchased and imported into Fantasy Grounds by the DM, and we, as players, have imported our 5e characters into that module. This allows for the characters to fully interact with the system whilst we chat about what we are doing over Discord.

The system includes all the appropriate maps for the adventure with a fog of war setting so we only get to see what our characters see. When combat ensues, our characters are all placed on the map with the adversaries we can see and a battle board takes us through the combat in initiative order. The system can cope with anything in 5e and many of the legacy versions and supplements of D&D.

Three weeks ago, most of the players were able to import our characters. It took us the whole session (about 2.5 to 3 hours) to get our characters imported due to our unfamiliarity with the software (we were starting from scratch, so I think we did rather well), but all bar two characters were ready to go. The DM was then able to add our one-off magic items, so we were good for this Thursday's session.

The first part of this Thursday's session was spent importing the remainder of the characters in readiness for the next part of the campaign. This went a lot quicker than the previous session's import.

We were now ready to begin play, so the next post will include a brief write-up of that session.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Midgard Heroic Battles : The Celts

The second army I am going to build will be Celts. I don't have nearly as many Celtic warrior miniatures (87) as I do Roman troops (191), and only a small number are painted. I think I should still be able to field a full 300 points army from them, but I won't find that out until I start statting up what I think the miniatures represent. If I have to buy a few more to make up the numbers then I shall, but I will be trying to run this campaign as cheaply as possible.

Anyway, here are some pictures of what I was able to find today. I think that there are still a few more figures hidden away in the garage (some Celtic cavalry, wardogs and maybe some chariots, along with the Roman artillery and Balearic slingers)...

 Celtic Warband (37 plastic miniatures)...

  • 28x Unarmoured Celtic warriors
  • 6x Armoured Celtic warriors
  • 1x carnyx
  • 2x banners

Chieftains (9 metal miniatures):

  • 2x chieftains
  • 1x banner
  • 1x champion
  • 4x druids
  • 1x dog handler (need to find dogs)

Skirmishers (18 metal miniatures):

  • 10x slingers
  • 8x archers

Miscellaneous (23 metal miniatures):

  • 8x fanatics
  • 7x spearmen
  • 8x female warriors

I will need to work out how to base these miniatures in a coherent and logical way to use the maximum possible per base. It will be a challenge, but should be fun.


Addendum: Most of the prep work was completed yesterday, but it has taken a number of hours to organise the armies and write them up. Since yesterday's post on the Romans, I have been able to get into the garage and sort out the remnants of the unworked figures. I couldn't find the Roman war machines (I am pretty sure they are in with my Gondor forces) but I was able to find the crews. Here is a list of what else I was able to find...


  • 30x (1 complete box) Roman legionaries (plastic miniatures)
  • 23x Roman legionaries still on the sprue (plastic miniatures)
  • 1x optio (metal miniature)
  • 11x artillery crew (metal miniatures)
  • 1x Western auxilia miles with spear (metal miniature)
  • 12x Numidian light cavalry (metal miniatures)

I will probably not have any use for the legionaries for this project, as I have plenty of them painted up already, but I do have a few of them eyed up for other games; maybe Broken Legions or Cthulhu Invictus. I will probably paint them differently to the current legionaries (which I painted in linen tunics rather than the standard trope red) to make them stand out from the main army.


  • 62x Celtic Warriors (plastic miniatures)
  • 10x Celtic warhorses (will require 10 of the above plastic upper bodies) (metal miniatures)
  • 3x Celtic chariots with 6 crew (metal miniatures)

I will be looking carefully at filling out "units" of Celtic warriors. The 37 plastic miniatures currently completed do not really add up to any coherent warband bases, so I will make up numbers in a few categories to set them apart from each other on the tabletop. The cavalry and chariots certainly make for some hard-hitting units to balance the might of the legionaries.

Next up should be a post about the type of game I want to try to run. I have some ideas on how I want this to develop as a campaign, so I need the base stats, points costs and so on before I start plotting everything on a map of some sort.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Midgard Heroic Battles : The Romans

Following on from the previous post, I have collated details of the Roman miniatures I have in my collection. It quite surprised me when I opened the boxes (the first time in several years) to find that I had so many. Here are a couple of pictures of the whole army except the unpainted figures (taken from my phone, so apologies for the very poor quality, the phone just didn't want to focus on anything properly today)..


And, here is a list of all the painted miniatures I have...

Imperial Roman legionaries (92 miniatures)...

Centuria (86 plastic miniatures):

  • 2x centurion, 1x signifer, 1x optio, 1x buccinator, 1x tesserarius = 6 "officers"
  • 9x contubernia (7 contuberlanes + 1 decanus) = 72 legionaries
  • 1x contubernium (8 contuberlanes) = 8 legionaries

 Centuria (6 metal miniatures):

  • 1x legatus
  • 1x primus pilus
  • 1x centurion
  • 1x aquilifer
  • 1x signifer
  • 1x buccinator

Mounted Auxilia (11 metal miniatures): 

  • 1x legatus (mounted)
  • 7x auxiliary cavalry
  • 3x auxiliary cavalry command (decurion, signifer, buccinator)

Auxiliaries (88 metal miniatures)...

 Western Auxilia (44 metal miniatures):

  • 1x centurion, 1x optio, 1x signifer, 1x buccinator = 4 "officers"
  • 3x contubernia with spears = 24 milites
  • 2x contubernia archers = 16 milites

 Eastern Auxilia (44 metal miniatures):

  • 1x centurion, 1x optio, 1x signifer, 1x buccinator = 4 "officers"
  • 3x contubernia with spears = 24 milites
  • 2x contubernia archers = 16 milites

As you can see, there are a small number that need some repairing (some shields have popped off and a few weapons have broken), which I will carry out when I make up the units I will be fielding.

I also have a small number of unpainted Roman figures - an onager and three ballistae (which will also be doubling up for Gondorian artillery), and some Balearic slingers. I may not worry too much about these just yet as I have plenty of other troops to be getting on with. If I wish to play with artillery then I can always sort them at a later date.

The next post will feature the Celts and then I will get onto the stats and what I need to do to get both armies up and running.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Midgard Heroic Battles : prepping for Romans vs Celts

I had a little time this afternoon to work out how I wanted to play Midgard : Heroic Battles. I don't have many finished armies, but the closest I think I can get to fielding something big enough for a couple of 300 point Midgard armies was to use my Romans and Celts.

I managed to get the two factions onto the table to see what I have got, but I definitely missed a small number of them, especially on the Celt side - most likely in a box somewhere in the garage. The Romans outnumber the Celts quite significantly at the moment, but I will only be using a fraction of the Romans and probably all of the Celts (not sure yet if I will need to buy any more to make up the numbers though), so that shouldn't present too much of a problem.

In order to get the game off the ground there is quite a bit of work that needs doing, so it will be one of my projects for the year. I will need to work out a theme for the two armies (back story, setting, characters etc.), sort out the miniatures and stats for the two completed 300 point armies, paint any figures that are required to make up the armies, purchase and prep movement trays, and find a few items of scenery to scatter on the tabletop.

Warbases do a fine selection of pre-made MDF bases specifically for use with Midgard. They are relatively cheap, so I will purchase a stack of them to mount the above miniatures on and use them as sabot style movement trays (so the figures can still be used individually too).

The next few posts on this subject will include details of all the miniatures I currently have for each of the two Roman Conquest era armies, the units I can make from those miniatures (plus their stats for the game), as well as the work that needs to be done to get me to the point of finishing each faction for use on the tabletop.

I also have a garage full of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings figures I can take a look at for preparing a few fantasy armies, but painting is patchy at best for all factions (I think Gondor and Rohan are the most completed) - I will need to take a look at these again, just in case I can get some fantasy gaming in with this rules set too.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - The Sea Ghost (Day 5)

After completing the first adventure in the campaign, we decided to rest up, regroup and run around the town completing various chores. Again, I cannot remember the exact order of what we did, but this is the general gist, most likely with bits missed out, encounters in the wrong order, and so on...


Day 5 - Next morning we returned to Saltmarsh in the row boat with all the casks and barrels and reported into the harbour master. We requested an audience with the Council and told the lady councillor about our findings and the truth of the hauntings of the mansion; a magician used a number of light and sound magic tricks to scare the locals into thinking the mansion was haunted so thereby allowing an arms smuggling ring to operate from the house and coves beneath, unimpeded by the forces of law enforcement and away from the prying eyes of the locals.

After a little more rest and recuperation, we paid a visit to a lady with some arcane knowledge, and she was able to tell us, for a fee, what many of the magically imbued items we picked up were. We also had plenty of rare books that we were able to get valued for later sale.

That evening, in agreement with the town council, we headed back to the cove below the mansion with the fully laden row boat (but the weapons in the barrels had been replaced with old bits of ironwork and stones to make up the weight) in order to make contact with the smugglers' ship.

It was around midnight when we espied the first flash from a lantern out at sea. We were unsure how to progress, then we received another single flash. Throwing caution to the wind, we used the sigils from the code sheet we had found in the haunted mansion to respond to the ship's signals. Once we had completed the four sets of coded light flashes, we rowed out to the ship that we would later come to know as The Sea Ghost.

Free map from Reddit

We hove-to alongside the smugglers' vessel and started to help the crew on board to unload the caskets and barrels from the jolly boat. Whilst the crew were busy doing that we managed to quickly board the vessel and take up a position in case we were set upon. Although, at first the crew were wary of us, we assured them that we were new at this game, and they relaxed a little, but not enough to fully trust us.

In danger of being found out if we put a foot wrong we asked the deck hand if we could go grab some grub and grog before we came back to help them with stacking the cargo below decks. We made a note of their numbers on deck, in the crow's nest and below decks and surmised that there must still be a captain and maybe a few other crewmen that we had not seen yet. We headed into the galley as an excuse to explore the ship further (we were tasked with finding the captain's papers and any manifest or details of where the cargo is headed for).

We jammed the doors as we passed through them one by one to stop us being pursued and eventually entered a room containing three lizardfolk asleep on hammocks. We only wanted to question them but things got a little dangerous when one of them leaped down from his hammock. He was quickly dispatched, as was a second one who came to his aid. The third one we managed to tie up without too much fuss, and it was then that we found out that the first lizardman just wanted to go for a pee-pee as he was nervous. We questioned the third lizardman a little more and found out that they were just passengers and that the arms were to be shipped to the lizardmen's lair in order to fight their oppressors.

Leaving the lizardman tied up and gagged, we returned to the deck to see how we could find the captain's cabin and purloin the manifests. We managed to surreptitiously manoeuvre into good fighting positions and then set about slaying the crew as quickly as we could.

The melee that ensued was swift and bloody. My healing abilities were certainly called into use on several occasions as my companions and I took damage from the defending crew. Just as we were getting the upper hand, the crew from the crow's nest and the captain and his two main henchmen joined the fight. This caused us more consternation as we thought that the fight could run away from us, especially as the aftcastle began to fog up and magical rays began to emanate from the upper deck causing us harm.

I decided to try to take out the magic wielder that I surmised was on the upper deck of the aftcastle whilst my valiant comrades fought the captain and his remaining crew. I managed to corner the magician in the mist but he escaped by assuming my guise. This confused my fellow adventurers until "I" started to attack them and turned into the wizard beneath the illusion.

Bolstered by the death of the magician, we renewed our efforts and finally managed to overcome the captain and his crew. Breathing a sigh of relief and calling upon Pelor to soothe my companions' ills we thought we could take a breather, but no such luck. The deck hands in the lower cargo deck were still alive and now there was the smell of smoke coming from below.

Thinking it was the remaining crew that had set the fire, we negotiated with them to leave the hold. We put them into the ship's jolly boat (not the one we arrived on) with a few days' provisions and three barrels of the goods stored below deck on pain of never setting foot on the boat again.

The fire was quickly found and put out without too much damage (just a table that a spilled lantern had fallen over onto), and a recce of the rest of The Sea Ghost had us find a few treasures and what we had come to find - the captain's charts, manifests and other documents. We gathered these up as well as some of the captain's belongings and set about securing the rest of the ship.

Once the ship had been secured, we split the party; half of us (me, Navda the rogue and Gladreth the wizard) returned to Saltmarsh in order too inform the council of what we had found and that we claimed salvage on The Sea Ghost as it was taken in a fair fight, whilst the other half stood guard and tallied the cargo. We reported all of what we had achieved to the councillor we had been liaising with previously and handed over the documents we were sent to recover.

Those of us in the town returned to The Sea Ghost with a complement of sailors and the ship was sailed back into the harbour. The town council and guard clambered aboard to inspect what we had found. As a large proportion of the cargo held the King's seal we were reminded that we could not claim salvage on that as it was crown property. We were also told we could not claim the ship. We were put out by this as we had risked our lives on this venture and it would have been nice to have had a base we could return to and move around in if so required. However, the council were generous and we were richly rewarded for our efforts.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - The Haunted Mansion (Day 4)

The last blog post was the point at which I stopped taking any notes and just immersed myself in the adventure. The following entries are from memory, so apologies if anything is missed, is out of sequence or just plain doesn't make any sense.

All images for the Saltmarsh campaign will either be from the adventure module (gathered from online sources, and not intending to breach any copyright - used only for purposes of telling our story) or pictures taken by the players.

Day 4 - Saltmarsh, upon arrival, was such an assault on the senses; the towering masts of the ships, the scents of the sea and fish, the sounds of the gulls crying, and the bustle of the docks with its incumbent traders and seafarers. This overwhelmed the party a little, but after a quick visit to the authorities to register our arrival, we sought refuge in a local hostelry to both regain our land legs and fill our bellies with ale, rum and good food.

We got talking to a variety of patrons who mentioned rumours of a dwarf miners conspiracy, a haunted mansion and various other, not so exciting subjects. Whilst others were involved in conspiracies, I managed to talk to someone who was willing to pay us hard cash (20 gold coins) to investigate the ghostly goings on at a haunted mansion a few hours' walk up the coast. The previous party he had hired had not returned with any clues; in fact all he got for his troubles was the loss of 30 gold coins - he offered us 20 gold coins as that was all he had left - half now and the rest on our return.

I told the rest of the party about this and they agreed that we should pay a visit the haunted mansion and explore it for any clues as to what was going on up there. We grabbed our kit and set off straight way.

The walk along the coastal path was uneventful, as was the meander around the walled enclosure to the mansion. We discovered a number of fresh footprints that wandered around the grounds and a rather ominous looking rose bush that was in full bloom whilst everything else was dried out and colourless.

After checking out the grounds we decided to enter the mansion through the front door; it seemed as good a place to enter the building as any other. We filed in one-at-a-time and explored the hallway beyond the door. When the front door closed there was hideous peal of laughter that seemed to emanate from the door itself. This sent a shiver up my spine if I am honest, but upon chatting to the rest of the party it was agreed that this was some kind of warding glyph meant to scare off intruders; it nearly worked on me.

We searched through maybe half of the rooms on the ground floor, disturbing and being attacked by a variety of vermin before deciding to head up the stairs to see what the rooms up there contained. We found a few items of interest and a dead body or two (we removed a plain copper wedding band from one) but it was relatively quiet.

The upper floor also proved to be relatively sparse in clues and detail, but we did pick up a set of manifests and a paper with a series of dots and dashes that seemed to point towards being responses to another sequence of prompts - a form of coded response using lanterns to a ship out at sea we assumed. So, with a few clues in hand, we headed back downstairs to complete our tour of the ground floor. We released from captivity, and were able to reunite a young lady with the ring of her husband, and set her upon her way back to Saltmarsh.

A little more exploring took us down into a basement area carved out of the bedrock, where we started to encounter the reasons for the ghostly goings on at the mansion. One barracks style room behind a hidden door revealed a small gang of ruffians who put up a stern fight when we entered their lair, not to mention an encounter with stiffer opposition behind another secret door in the form of a number of skeletons. These all provided the party with a hard couple of fights, but the hardest was when we explored the underground complex further.

Proceeding down some stone steps behind another secret doorway, we encountered a number of large patches of an acidic green slime that damaged some of our accoutrements, not to mention causing some nasty burns to our hands and feet. However, with a little ingenuity, we overcame the problem by holding mattresses from the barracks room above our heads whilst we progressed through that cavern.

Our cries of alarm at being burned must have alerted the rest of the smuggling ring as we were attacked in the next small cavern and fought a running battle to the next chamber where a handy wizardly chap accompanied by two hobgoblins and several more ruffians took us to the limit of our prowess. But, we overcame them and victory was ours.

The last cavern we came to contained a lot of casks and caskets as well as a small boat pulled up onto the shingle within a cove that opened at the base of the cliff upon which the mansion is situated.

We rested up for the night but took some time to look in a number of the barrels and boxes; they all seemed to contain a cache of reasonable quality weapons covered with some quality silks. Something is going down here and we need to find out what and report our findings back to the Saltmarsh town council.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Day 1

Last weekend, whilst playing in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure, I tried to write up some notes on what was happening as we went along, but after a short while I had become so engrossed in the narrative that the note taking fell by the wayside. So, what I will do here is write a summary of the goings on from my character's perspective as a kind of diary entry...


Day 1 - We were awoken to the sound of loud bangs and explosions - the town appeared to be under attack from a pirate vessel anchored just outside the harbour. We grabbed what we could of our belongings and ran into the street to see what was going on. The town was ablaze with flames from the exploding ordnance that was being shot from the marauding vessel. One explosion threw us off of our feet and down into a fissure. Luckily, no-one was hurt as we slid 80 or 90 feet down into the depths of the earth. The falling scree and rocks from above made going back out that way impossible, not that we wanted to return to the chaos of the streets above.

We briefly examined our surroundings and noticed that, other than the rockfall blocking our way out, we were in a dusty, crafted corridor; smooth masonry walls and ceiling, with a flagstoned floor. We espied a room in the shadows at the end of the corridor, so we approached it with trepidation in our hearts. As the light in the underground realm began to fail, I cast Light upon my trusty mace and the party members who didn't have dark vision lit a couple of torches that were in sconces on the walls just inside the room to aid in their seeing.

At one end of the the room were four stone blocks that we soon ascertained needed to be used to open the large door exiting the chamber. Four of us stood upon the blocks in order to open, and keep open, the door, whilst two of our party passed through the door to find the levers that would lock the door open. We joined our companions in a room with a fountain containing stagnant water.

We explored the room but didn't really find anything except for a few coins that appeared to have been thrown into the fountain as tokens to be taken in payment for wishes. I walked up one of the exiting corridors only to find myself fall through a trap door into an oubliette type space several feet deep. A series of bars closed across the top of the opening I had fallen through and it began to fill with water drained from the fountain in the room. I began to panic at being in an enclosed space slowly filling with water and all of my companion's efforts to wrench the bars open came to naught. Luckily for me they valued my life as much as I do and searched about for a release mechanism.

The lever that reset the trap was found in the room at the end of the corridor I was exploring. Unfortunately, over the years a family of giant spiders had moved into the room and had to be dispatched before the lever could be pulled to release me.

There was nothing else of interest in that room, so we headed back to the fountain room in order to find a way out of our predicament. Navda, our wily rogue, managed to find a door that was hidden from view whilst the rest of us searched in vain for another way out. He fiddled with the door's release mechanism and the hidden door opened into a very dusty, but also very full library which our resident barbarian (who cannot read by-the-by) took a great interest in. The library opened onto another short corridor with a big door at the end and a side corridor that begged to be explored.

We decided to explore the corridor first, which opened up into a room full of very thick webs. Again, we were ambushed by giant spiders that included maybe a matriarch as one of them was huge. We managed to overcome the arachnids with a few minor injuries and upon searching the room found out not only how the beasts got into their underground lair (via a very narrow, but very high chimney which we would not climb even if we could) but also a few items that might be of use to us later.

The big door at the end of the other corridor now beckoned us towards it, so we headed that way and with a bit of effort got it open. The room beyond was full of all sorts of arcane bric-a-brac and a huge magical portal in front of which was a half-consumed corpse; well it was after one of the fighters put a sword into it. We notice that the dead person was reading from a tome about how to use the portal but we didn't get time to read it before several piles of junk rose up in the shape of the shambling dead. We struggled to defeat these lumbering beings as they absorbed every blow we threw at them, but things turned for the worse when a large floating eye with four tentacles appeared through the shimmering portal. It rapidly incapacitated two of our party before Druss, our dragonborn barbarian, literally split it in twain with a mighty cleave. The undying were soon put to rest again after the death of the floating eye.

The portal and any wish to stay put in that room for any time longer than necessary meant we were able to find our way out along a maze of winding tunnels onto a headland a short way from the town. From this vantage point we were able to flag down a ship escaping from the chaos at the harbour, and for a small fee book a passage to the town of Saltmarsh a few days' sail away.

Monday, 27 January 2025

D&D 5e gaming weekend - Ghosts of Saltmarsh

The weekend just gone (25th/26th January) saw me take part in a new campaign with a new group of players in the world of D&D 5th edition. This is the first D&D gaming I have taken part in for several years; since I moved from Kent to Hertfordshire.

The DM ran the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure...

This appears to be a 5e update of the original U1 to U4 series of TSR UK's designed adventure modules for AD&D 1st Edition (the version on which I really cut my D&D gaming teeth - the version I played for years on end and re-booted with a campaign a few years ago that I wrote up on this blog)...

I never actually played this series of modules back in the day, so it was a lovely surprise to get invited to play in the latest 5e version. It is one that I always liked the sound of and always wanted to play but my peers and I never got around to it - most of our gaming was home brew, but we did run the Hommlett series, Against the Giants, the Underdark continuation against the Drow, and the finale against Lolth the Demon Spider Queen. There were also a few other official modules that I cannot remember the names of now and the many one-off adventures that appeared in White Dwarf and Imagine magazines back in the day.

This weekend's gaming saw our party of six adventurers (plus a DM) start off at 1st level and end up, after two major scenarios, at 3rd level. The characters were as follows...

Dharion - half-elf ranger
Drakkon - half-orc fighter
Druss - dragonborn barbarian
Gladreth - human wizard
Korum - human cleric
Navda - human rogue

We had a couple of hairy moments throughout the adventure, one where we could have had a TPK, but we managed to pull together and get through them. The party mix and dynamic was excellent, so we not only played well together but also the mix of character types worked very well: two front row fighters, a rogue, wizard and cleric in the second row, with a ranger bringing up the rear and supplying long-range fire-power. Well, that was the plan but it turned out quite differently in the end much to our amusement - whoever heard of a mage and cleric leading combat? We had to run many encounters that way as our fighter couldn't roll above an 8 all weekend!

I will try to write up what I remember of the weekend's adventuring in a future post, but the over-arching feelings I had of the gaming weekend itself was one of great fun, great camaraderie and lots of laughs.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Lone Wolf : Flight from the Dark (2nd attempt)

A belated Happy New Year everyone!

As I was away on holiday over the New Year, I aimed to get in some well-earned rest and recuperation. I took plenty of reading material along with me on my Kindle, as well as a last minute addition of the first Lone Wolf adventure book - I was hoping to re-run the adventure with a better outcome than last time.

I read the rules again to refamiliarise myself with the game and rolled up a fresh character as the previous one died - I won't do this in future; I will just start the adventure again from the beginning and reset the character to its starting stats for the beginning of that particular adventure book.

I didn't take a snap shot of the character sheet at the start of the adventure as I just wrote it in a notebook, but I updated a new copy of the sheet with the stats at the end of the adventure when I got home...

I won't go into too many details here in case others wish to run through the adventure and don't want any spoilers. That said, I played it stealthily sometimes and bravely at others; I rescued a few people, got hoodwinked upon my travels, hid a few times, picked up a couple of useful items, lost my backpack and all its contents, and fought a number of adversaries along the way. It took me a good couple of hours to complete the book (including the rules re-read and character creation), helped by me actually having some time to myself for once, with no interruptions: I felt it was time well spent.

The first run through when I first got the books a year or so back was a bit of a let down as I felt I was a little railroaded towards the end, but this time I had choices and was able to capitalise on them. Flipping through the book whilst playing, I felt I missed out on a lot of other choices and paths, so I think there would be at least a couple more unique play-throughs available.