I had a little time this afternoon to work out how I wanted to play Midgard : Heroic Battles. I don't have many finished armies, but the closest I think I can get to fielding something big enough for a couple of 300 point Midgard armies was to use my Romans and Celts.
I managed to get the two factions onto the table to see what I have got, but I definitely missed a small number of them, especially on the Celt side - most likely in a box somewhere in the garage. The Romans outnumber the Celts quite significantly at the moment, but I will only be using a fraction of the Romans and probably all of the Celts (not sure yet if I will need to buy any more to make up the numbers though), so that shouldn't present too much of a problem.
In order to get the game off the ground there is quite a bit of work that needs doing, so it will be one of my projects for the year. I will need to work out a theme for the two armies (back story, setting, characters etc.), sort out the miniatures and stats for the two completed 300 point armies, paint any figures that are required to make up the armies, purchase and prep movement trays, and find a few items of scenery to scatter on the tabletop.
Warbases do a fine selection of pre-made MDF bases specifically for use with Midgard. They are relatively cheap, so I will purchase a stack of them to mount the above miniatures on and use them as sabot style movement trays (so the figures can still be used individually too).
The next few posts on this subject will include details of all the miniatures I currently have for each of the two Roman Conquest era armies, the units I can make from those miniatures (plus their stats for the game), as well as the work that needs to be done to get me to the point of finishing each faction for use on the tabletop.
I also have a garage full of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings figures I can take a look at for preparing a few fantasy armies, but painting is patchy at best for all factions (I think Gondor and Rohan are the most completed) - I will need to take a look at these again, just in case I can get some fantasy gaming in with this rules set too.
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