Monday, 13 January 2025

Lone Wolf : Flight from the Dark (2nd attempt)

A belated Happy New Year everyone!

As I was away on holiday over the New Year, I aimed to get in some well-earned rest and recuperation. I took plenty of reading material along with me on my Kindle, as well as a last minute addition of the first Lone Wolf adventure book - I was hoping to re-run the adventure with a better outcome than last time.

I read the rules again to refamiliarise myself with the game and rolled up a fresh character as the previous one died - I won't do this in future; I will just start the adventure again from the beginning and reset the character to its starting stats for the beginning of that particular adventure book.

I didn't take a snap shot of the character sheet at the start of the adventure as I just wrote it in a notebook, but I updated a new copy of the sheet with the stats at the end of the adventure when I got home...

I won't go into too many details here in case others wish to run through the adventure and don't want any spoilers. That said, I played it stealthily sometimes and bravely at others; I rescued a few people, got hoodwinked upon my travels, hid a few times, picked up a couple of useful items, lost my backpack and all its contents, and fought a number of adversaries along the way. It took me a good couple of hours to complete the book (including the rules re-read and character creation), helped by me actually having some time to myself for once, with no interruptions: I felt it was time well spent.

The first run through when I first got the books a year or so back was a bit of a let down as I felt I was a little railroaded towards the end, but this time I had choices and was able to capitalise on them. Flipping through the book whilst playing, I felt I missed out on a lot of other choices and paths, so I think there would be at least a couple more unique play-throughs available.

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