Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Midgard Heroic Battles : Britannia - Roman unit stats

The difficult job of allocating stats and points values to each of the units has now been completed for both the Roman and British forces. I tried to go for a feeling that the Romans are more resilient man-for-man due to armour and disciplined training, but not as numerous as the Britons. So, I have made the Roman units more expensive with better stats and traits, which means that they should be quite heavily outnumbered on the battle field.

Here are the stats for each unit type:

Heroes and Leaders : I went for three types of leader for the Romans; a mounted Prefect and two centurions (one significant centurion and the other more generic)...


I will most likely need to do a stat block for the unmounted prefect that I have, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I think it will just be a case of dropping the Mounted trait, but I will think on it a bit more so that the new commander fits the scenario. I might also add in an optio as a level 1 hero - not sure how to run the promotion side of things between battles yet if there are casualties amongst the commanders, so this might be a good thing to at least have on the horizon.

Troops : Again, I kept things simple with just four troop types; one type for the legionaries and three types for the auxiliaries...

Artillery : There are two types of artillery that I will use for the Romans; a battery of scorpions and ballistae and an onager...

Now that I have the stats for the different unit types, I will need to firm up the 300 point army. I have some new ideas but will most likely go with what I had already thought - one of each leader, three units of legionaries, two units of formed archers and two units of cavalry (I think that makes 300 points or thereabouts).

Now I just need to think about how I am going to play the Britons. I will have their stat blocks in the next post.


PS - apologies if the tables above spill over into other parts of the site - I wanted them to be big enough to read without having to enlarge them by clicking on them, to make them easier to see for quick reference.

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