It looks like I will probably get the barbarian army finished before either the orc/goblin or dwarf armies. So, when I order up some extra dwarfs and goblins, then I should be almost there with both of those armies too. I can't wait to get a game played with them and the write up onto this blog.
I haven't kept a quota of minis bought so far this year. Last year I bought quite a few GW LotR minis, along with many Warlord Romans and Celts. I also picked up some Crusader, Gripping Beast and Perry Normans. This year I have kept my buying to a minimum so far...
Box set of Knights of Dol Amroth
Blackroot Vale archers Command
and that's it!
Next month when I get paid, though, I will be picking up the rest of the dwarfs and orcs/goblins to complete my armies - most probably from Vendel. I also need some Ranger types for RPG - Vendel do some good ones of these too. My final character class that is ill-represented is clerics. Does anyone out there have any suggestions for a decent range of 25mm adventurers that I could use? Reaper Minis are great but a tad too large to fit in with the rest of my collection.