
Friday, 21 May 2021

Repainted Elves

Following on from yesterday's post about the completed elf archers, today I managed to finish off the last of the elf swordsmen. Here's the warband in its entirety...

The ones I completed today were the broken ones that had to be patched up with whatever spares I could find. Two turned out OK, I think, but I am not keen on the other two. Anyway, here they are; I like the ones to the left and right of the picture, but not so keen on the middle two...

This completes the painting that I have been asked to do by my son on these elves. Here is a picture of all of the elf archers that I have completed...

And, here are the sword/glaive wielding dudes...

 And, finally, those that my son will be painting himself...

The sword wielding elf will need to be fixed up with another blade and then littlun can get on with painting them all. I will hopefully be popping to my local GW store in the next week or two to pick up some extra paints, brushes and so on so he can get to work on these. Again, these will be used for Battle Companies and the possibility of games of Dragon Rampant if they ally with another faction. So far, for the evil side, my son has the 30 orcs that I have already painted for him, one of my old troll miniatures, quite a few Easterlings and a handful each of goblins and uruk-hai. And for the good side, he has 17 painted elves, around 30 Gondorians, and maybe 25 or so Rohan warriors on foot. Hopefully we can put together two opposing forces from these to duke it out on the tabletop.

Next up for me to work on for him are his Gondor warriors of Minas Tirith. There are thirty figures from the ebay purchases, of which two are Numenorians (that will be used as sergeants/captains for Battle Companies) and five that are broken in some way (including one of those Numenorians). I will try to get some before pictures set up and then get to work on these next week if I can.

I have also been working on those undead riders again; just a little bit more paint work and trying to figure out a colour scheme for them. I am not sure whether to theme them around a certain colour and whether that colour should look faded as if it had just come out of a crypt or grave. I also sorted out that dragon from a few months ago and began to finish her off too. Hopefully there will be some pictures of the dragon very soon.

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