
Sunday, 16 May 2021

Defend the Ruins

After we had finished our rule-driven battle companies battle, littlun carried on playing with his newly painted figures. In his mind's eye he had seen an heroic last stand by his elves against a small warband of orcs. Like the previous Gondor vs. orcs encounter, there were no rules involved, just a child's imagination and ability to tell a great, heroic tale.

The elves, cut off from support, take refuge in a ruined farmhouse...

The attacking orc force has them trapped and try to force their way in through the door supported by a couple of archers...

Whilst the other half of the band, with their leader, go around to the rear where access appears to be easier...

Unfortunately for the orcs, the elves have both accesses covered and are willing to sell their lives dearly...

After he had finished playing, the elves had three survivors and the orcs were either wiped out or had run away.

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