
Thursday, 1 October 2020

BGiMe Magazine - Issues 27-39

Here is the third part of the Battle Games in Middle-earth magazine summaries...

Issue 27
Guide to Middle-earth - March on Helm's Deep (1 page)
Playing the Game - Siege Games (8 pages)
Battle Game - Hold the Fort - Eomer, 6 Riders and 12 Warriors of Rohan versus Uruk-hai captain, 20 Uruk-hai, 4 Uruk-hai Siege Engineers and 1 Uruk-hai Berserker (4 pages)
Painting Workshop - Uruk-hai Siege Troops (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Palisade Fort (6 pages)

Issue 28
Guide to Middle-earth - Haldir (1 page)
Playing the Game - Fighting in a Fortress (4 pages)
Battle Game - The Helm's Deep Campaign - Rules for linking all of the Helm's Deep related scenarios (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Haldir (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Fortress Walls and Towers (6 pages)

Issue 29
Guide to Middle-earth - Theoden (1 page)
Playing the Game - Assaulting the Battlements (4 pages)
Battle Game - The Deeping Wall - Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Haldir, 4 Elves and 8 Warriors of Rohan versus 3 Uruk-hai captains, Uruk-hai Berserker, 4 Uruk-hai Siege Troops and 24 Uruk-hai (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Theoden (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - The Gatehouse (6 pages)

Issue 30
Guide to Middle-earth - Uruk-hai Berserker (1 page)
Playing the Game - The Fortress (4 pages)
Battle Game - Retreat to the Hall - Theoden, Gamling, 12 Warriors of Rohan versus 3 Uruk-hai captains, 3 Uruk-hai Berserkers, 8 Uruk-hai Siege Troops, and 24 Uruk-hai (8 pages)
Painting Workshop - Uruk-hai Berserker (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - The Fortress Keep (6 pages)

Issue 31
Guide to Middle-earth - The Heroes of Helm's Deep (1 page)
Playing the Game - Siege Weapons (4 pages)
Battle Game - Retreat to the Hall Part 2 (8 pages)
Painting Workshop - An Uruk-hai Army (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Fortress Tower (6 pages)

Issue 32
Guide to Middle-earth - Brave Little Hobbits (1 page)
Playing the Game - The Last March of the Ents (2 pages)
Battle Game - Breach the Dam - Merry, Pippin, Treebeard, Ent versus 20 Uruk-hai, 12 Orcs, 3 Uruk-hai Berserkers and 3 Uruk-hai captains (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Merry and Pippin (6 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Dam at Isengard  (6 pages)

Issue 33
Guide to Middle-earth - The Battle for Osgiliath (1 page)
Playing the Game - Different Ways to Play (4 pages)
Battle Game - Besieged - a Points Match scenario (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Soldiers of Gondor (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Ruins of Osgiliath (6 pages)

Issue 34
Guide to Middle-earth - Osgiliath has Fallen (1 page)
Playing the Game - Banners (4 pages)
Battle Game - Defend the Bridge - 18 Warriors of Minas Tirith, Banner Bearer versus 24 Orcs (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Gondorian Baner Bearer (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Osgiliath Bridge (8 pages)

Issue 35
Guide to Middle-earth - Galadriel (1 page)
Playing the Game - The Forces of Lothlorien (4 pages)
Battle Game - Crossing the Silverlode - The Fellowship (sans Gandalf), Galadriel, Haldir, 6 Wood Elves versus Goblin captain and 24 Goblins (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - Galadriel (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Elven Tree Platforms (8 pages)

Issue 36
Guide to Middle-earth - Ancient Elves of Middle-earth (1 page)
Playing the Game - The Army of Lorien (4 pages)
Battle Game - Watchpost Attack - Elrond, 8 Elves, 12 Wood Elves versus 12 Orcs, 24 Goblins, Goblin captain and Orc captain (4 pages)
Painting Workshop - Elrond (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Elven Watchpost (8 pages)

Issue 37
Guide to Middle-earth - The Ringwraiths (1 page)
Playing the Game - The Ringwraiths (4 pages)
Battle Game - Hunting the Ring Bearer - Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Aragorn versus the Witch King and 4 Ringwraiths (6 pages)
Painting Workshop - The Witch King of Angmar (2 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Amon Sul (8 pages)

Issue 38
Guide to Middle-earth - Wormtongue (1 page)
Playing the Game - Grima Wormtongue (2 pages)
Battle Game - Assault on Orthanc - Theoden, Eomer, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf the White, 12 Warriors and 6 Riders of Rohan versus Saruman, Grima, Grishnakh, 3 Uruk-hai captains, 3 Uruk-hai Berserkers, 20 Uruk-hai, 12 Orcs and a Cave Troll (8 pages)
Painting Workshop - Grima Wormtongue (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - Saruman's Industry (6 pages)

Issue 39
Guide to Middle-earth - Gandalf the White (1 page)
Playing the Game - Wizards of Middle-earth (2 pages)
Battle Game - Assault on Orthanc Part 2 (8 pages)
Painting Workshop - Gandalf the White (4 pages)
Modelling Workshop - The Tower of Orthanc (6 pages)

That's it for today - 13 more issues to come tomorrow.

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