
Monday, 30 November 2015

Long time no post

A bit of an update and a promise to be more with it after Christmas. However, I have been updating the sister site The Taplow Horn. This is a blog to chart my journeys into the land of pubs and real ale; another hobby of mine shared by many more of my friends and family than gaming.

Things have been rather busy at chez Odo. My current contract role has been extended on several occasions and as a result I have not had much time to get any gaming stuff done. All the available spare time has been taken up by the kids who have been busy getting up to what kids get up to; changing to new schools, taking exams, being involved in after school and weekend clubs and activities.

All of this has meant that gaming has had to go on the back burner. That said, I have still been purchasing Lord of the Rings minis when I see them at knockdown prices on Ebay, so I have plenty to paint when I can finally get back to it. I also have to explore Frostgrave and I would also like to play Saga and Lion (Dragon) Rampant (I have yet to pick up these rulesets). I just need someone to play against!

When my curent work role finishes (any time soon), I am hoping to sort out lots more stuff in the man cave and get all my LotR and Frostgrave miniatures glued and undercoated. I am also part-way through making an Anglo-Danish warband - I am sure I can get thiat finished relatively quickly if I put my mind to it.

Anyway, until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you back and looking forward to more projects. A mate of mine made a replica Taplow horn (as well as copies of the Sutton hoo ones ). Damn tricky to quaff from. You tip and tip to get a sip, and then you get a faceful of ale (which in itself is no bad thing).
