
Saturday, 13 July 2013

40 Knights in 40 Days (Part 4)

Here is the final conroi of Norman Knights.

I have decided to present them a different way around this week - the group shots before the individual shots this time.

Command group...

Norman knights group...

Robert Dux...

 Miniature from Conquest Games

Banner Bearer...

 Miniature from Conquest Games


 Miniature from Conquest Games


 Miniature from Conquest Games

Norman knights done as crusaders to join their duke on his pilgrimage...

 Miniature from Crusader Miniatures

 Miniature from Gripping Beast

Norman knights...

 Miniature from Conquest Games

 Miniature from Conquest Games

 Miniature from Conquest Games

 Miniature from Conquest Games

That is all of the Normans I have painted for now. As mentioned previously, I may buy another few sets from Crusader Miniatures to fill out the gaps in the first two conrois and then make a start on the infantry to support their lords.

I have also just sorted out a bunch of old Citadel Hobgoblins. I have managed to base and undercoat them so far. Hopefully I should get them up on the blog in the next week or so. I am not sure what to go for after them though. I have nearly finished my old school lead pile (maybe 70-80 to go?), so I may continue with either the eastern looking Hobgoblins, the Night Goblins or my Asgard Dwarfs. Decisions, decisions. I also have hundreds of Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings minis, about twice as many more 15mm medieval stuff, and some few dozen Romans and Celts still to sort out as well as a couple of boxes each of Gripping Beast's Anglo-Saxons and Vikings too, so maybe I will get a move on with some of those too.

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