
Sunday, 25 July 2010

Stone Chapel Pilots

Not quite the music sensation of a similar name, but this weekend I had the privilege of doing some archaeological stuff down at the Kent Archaeological Field School; where I helped excavate a Roman Bath House last year. This weekend was spent processing some pilot samples for a Stone Chapel nearby last year's dig. We were using a flotation tank on the test samples to see where would be eligible for excavation next season. We had several samples to process over the weekend and we got loads of information from them. I am not allowed to comment any further, but some great stuff was found (purely of academic value).

Now last year's stuff has been processed and is in the public domain, I will comment soon on what I got up to last year.

The reason I like this archaeology lark is because I find the stories that are raised by these excavations lead me to think about various 'What if?' scenarios. The KAFS stuff is especially interesting, for me anyway, as the sites are Roman in origin.

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