
Sunday, 17 January 2010

Long lost realms

Over the holidays I took stock of what needs to be done this year. I was going to concentrate on getting my old RPG miniatures painted first but I couldn't resist getting this Lord of the Rings statue sorted first. I have the LotR Ruins set of sprues which contains 4 or 5 statues and columns and a few bits of ruined building. The statues are rather nice, so I decided to paint one up and see how it went. I am very pleased with the results...

I also managed to start on/continue with a couple more HotT stands, one of dwarfs and one of orcs. These should be finished over the next week or two unless other things catch my eye and take my fancy first.

Gaming wise, my new pbm game is coming along nicely and I am half way through pre-rolling some adventurers for an up and coming D&D campaign.

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