
Sunday, 12 July 2009

Alex's Romans

This afternoon, my son Alex finished off the Romans I gave him a few weeks ago. I think he has done a great job on them. He decided he wanted them based up for Warhammer rather than the round bases I chose for skirmish gaming.

They have yet to have their shields made and glued on (except for one!). I will sort out some shields for him from the sprues when I get a chance.


  1. Thanks dad for putting my romans up on the blog. Great pictures! lots of love Alex.

  2. Wow! Those look Great! I can't wait until my son is painting toys - of course I think that'll be a few years yet...

  3. Thanks for the comments Tim. Alex was jumping for joy when he found out his figures were commented on but not mine. One in the eye for his dad!
